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About us


Current members (2) of the choir include:  Ethel Morrell and Susan Roller Whittington (Director/guitar, drum, rattles). 

Our official translator, Gertrude Calvert; our drummer and composer, Elizabeth Marcus; Elidia Johnson, Connie Whitehouse and Anna Salazar  are honored "Emeritus" members who join us for special events as they are able.

We lost Emeritus Members, Geronima Cruz Montoya (also a composer of the Tewa Mass) on 2-JAN-2015, Mary Ann Padilla on 16-SEP-2016, Linda Maestas on 7-MAR-2018, Composer, Ramoncita Sandoval on 27-FEB-2019, Joyce Da Odell on 21-AUG-2021, and Barbara Faucon on 29-MAY-2023 .

MIAC 13-Dec-2019

Humble beginnings with noble intent

The Tewa Choir was formed with the following mission:
1) Assist San Juan Bautista parishioners with prayers, music, and liturgies (Mass and Vespers services) that reflect the spirit of the people of Ohkay Owingeh,
2) Promote the use of the Tewa language in our Roman Catholic liturgy for use with Native American assemblies,
3) Help to preserve the Tewa language and customs among the Tewa Pueblos by sharing Tewa prayers and hymns,
4) Encourage original compositions of prayers and hymns in the Tewa language with the use of traditional musical instruments,
5) Provide a prayerful support to grieving families at the time of the death of a loved one, by assisting at funerals, and
6) Create an atmosphere of trust and respect for the unique talents of each person, and network of friendship and support for all members of the Tewa Choir.

In addition, it has become a goal to help keep the Tewa language alive by performing traditional and social songs in public venues and teaching these songs to new members.

c/o Susan Roller Whittington

1005 S. Prince Dr., Espanola NM 87532

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